- Equal Opportunities Statement of Intent
Tideswell Community Hall Management Committee acknowledges that the United Kingdom is diverse in culture, race, beliefs and religion and believes that no individual or group of people should receive less favourable treatment on the grounds of gender, age, colour, race, nationality, racial or national origins, cultural heritage, disability, marital status, social background, sexual orientation or geographical location. The Management Committee acknowledge that members of these groups are often under-represented, exposed to prejudice and stereotyping, and suffer various disadvantages within our society.
The purpose of this statement is to set out clearly and fully the positive action that Tideswell Community Hall Management Committee intends to take to combat direct and indirect discrimination in employment policy, management of the organisation, relationships with other bodies and the services it provides to the community, community organisations and individuals.
Tideswell Community Hall Management Committee is committed to providing equality of opportunity in all areas of its work. It aims to overcome discrimination on the grounds mentioned above. The Equal Opportunities Policy will be implemented ensuring equality of provision in representation, service provision, appointment of staff and their conditions of service and access.
- Aims
Our aim is to ensure that we become aware of discrimination and the problem it causes.
- Tideswell Community Hall Management Committee will challenge practices, legislation and institutions, which seek to discriminate against or deny the rights of individuals or groups in any form.
- Tideswell Community Hall Management Committee will seek to take positive action to address the inequalities in our society.
- Tideswell Community Hall Management Committee is committed to the equal opportunities set out in this document and will work to develop, improve and monitor it.
- The Equal Opportunities Policy and Code of Practice
The Tideswell Community Hall Management Committee acknowledges the definitions of various groups of people who are vulnerable to discrimination as set out in the Equality Act 2010. The Management Committee will support and implement the legislation and will work to ensure that no person protected by the legislation is discriminated against unlawfully, and that any positive obligations and duties are performed.
The Management Committee give the following specific commitments:
Tideswell Community Hall Management Committee will;
- Where reasonably practical widen accessibility by removing barriers which make it difficult for people with disabilities to use the Hall;
- Provide facilities for people with disabilities to enable them to participate in activities;
- Ensure that the design of publicity and information take account of the needs of people with disabilities;
- Deal with any complaints of discrimination promptly, impartially, thoroughly, and confidentially;
- Ensure all staff, hirers and trustees are aware of the Hall’s policy on equality;
- Ensure that the equal opportunities policy is monitored and reviewed annually;
- Challenge racism in any form and encourage its users to do the same;
- Challenge sexist policies, practices and attitudes and encourage users to do the same;
- Endorse the right of everyone to his or her own religious belief or the absence of a belief;
- Encourage people from underrepresented groups to attend and participate in the activities of the Hall.
The Code of Conduct
- People will be treated with dignity and respect regardless of the group to which they belong.
- People’s feelings and views will be valued and respected. Language or humour that people find offensive will not be used or tolerated e.g., racist jokes or derogatory terminology.
- No-one will be harassed, abused, or intimidated on the grounds that they belong to a vulnerable group. Incidents of harassment will be taken seriously, and the committee will undertake investigations of any complaints quickly, impartially, thoroughly, and confidentially.
Changes to this Policy
The management committee will update this policy / document in line with legislation, guidance, and operational issues in a timely manner. This document is revision controlled and all updates are to be noted in the revision notes section below.
Policy Adoption
Tideswell and District Voluntary Youth Club Committee formally adopted this policy March 2022 for the purposes of managing the bookings and operations for Tideswell Community Hall.
Revisions –
Revision | Date | Notes |